Our personal empowerment courses
Self-empowerment is one of the most important things you can do for yourself.
Our personal empowerment online courses and seminars will enable you to get more in touch with who you are deep inside and to understand what empowers you and what you really want. The information we share in our personal development courses, and the practical step-by-step tools will take you from living a life that is just happening to you, towards a life of fulfillment where you are empowered, in control and have the clarity to make changes in your life.
Personal empowerment course details
The courses can be taken independently, but there are great benefits in doing one after the other and experience the power of the whole process.
o Access the online courses any time you like.
o Work your way through the online courses at your own convenience.
o Just continue from where you left off.
Watch the easy to follow tutorials, answer the questions, do the suggested tasks and exercises, and observe your life changing.
About us
• Certified Trainer and Master Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)
• Master Practitioner of Time Line Therapy
• Certified Trainer of Hypnosis
• Qualified Life Coach and Hypnotherapist.
Ivor Bailey works as a successful therapist, achievement coach and personal and business development consultant. Several years ago he began his quest to discover how to enable everyone to create the life of their dreams. Having spent his whole career in training and education – in industry and the public sector – he is able to present the material in such a way that anyone can gain mastery. His unique style and wide experience are reflected in all of his trainings. Ivor can take complex ideas and explain them in a clear and simple way so that everyone can understand and learn. His main priorities are to facilitate personal change and empower every student to apply what they have learned to both themselves and others. You will receive deep insights that will ensure you make a quantum leap in both your personal and professional development. These profound experiences will live with you long after the training finishes!
Personal empowerment mentor, Certified NLP Practitioner
"I was always intrigued and inspired by people who could prosper, make their fortune, be successful and have a happy life, totally against all odds; maybe their background was poor, not much education, or perhaps they were told by their parents and friends that they were no good and would never make it in life.
One person would take all persecution to heart and become no good, even a burden to society, while another person in the same little village would rise above it all and have a better life than you and me.
I have researched and explored the power of the mind and what separates us from living the life we really want to live from many different angles over the last 40 years, and whether it was science, quantum physics, religion, spirituality or new age, there are certain common denominators which I share in my courses.
I have for the longest time held Self-Empowerment seminars in the UK and Norway as well as given talks on conferences around Europe based on the content of this website.
The purpose and goal with my course series is to provide a way for you to work through all the obstacles in your life right now and get in touch with who you really are deep inside. In so doing you are sure to experience the state of love, joy and happiness and in turn share and reflect this back into your families and environment."
Vigdis has been involved in various forms of volunteer projects over the years. This has taken her around the word, and she has lived in South Korea, Scotland, the USA, and in England, where she raised her family. In year 2000, she moved back to Norway, where she is from, and both she and her two children now live in the Oslo area.
She retired at the end of January 2022 from her professional work, but will keep her course and seminar business going.
Her career has given her broad experience in accounting and finance, computer applications, sales, marketing, and administration. She has worked in Diagnostica, a company that develops medical equipment in Norway, American based companies such as Abbott, News World Communications and Intermoor, as well as having started and run a company that sold pedagogic software for kindergartens and elementary schools.
In 2017, she established Imaginations, which is a company that offers online personal empowerment courses as well as live seminars.
Vigdis describes herself as being organised, independent, flexible, and sociable. She also likes challenges, working independently and bringing people together.
She lives a very active life, and apart from holding courses and seminars, you will find her playing golf and tennis, fishing, going for long walks every day and skiing both downhill and cross country during the winter.